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May 20, 2003 — 9 AM

Chapeaux de camions

Someone finally has something to say about trucker hats, also known around these parts as the “foam dome.”

The New York Times article confidently suggests the death of this trend is at hand. Frankly, it can’t come soon enough. But then I have these crazy ideas that “style” should be about looking “good” or wearing “clothes” that are, oh, I don’t know, “flattering”. Don’t get me wrong; tongue-in-cheek fashion has its place, or else Value Village would go out of business. I like a retro Transformers T-shirt as much as the next guy. But plastic mesh caps belong on men wearing plaid with jeans (no low-rise, flaired hip-huggers) who eat regularly at places called “Big Stop”. The worst thing about the trucker hat craze is the idea of making your $150 jeans and $250 boots actually look cheap.


Previously: La La La

Subsequently: Film at 11: The Jessica Lynch Story

May 2003
the Archives