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February 24, 2003 — 9 AM

Like, Omigod, Y’Know?

A couple weeks ago, I pointed to the Cool 2B Real site, the beef industry's attempt at marketing red meat as an "image."

More recently, Paul Ford, of Ftrain fame, explains just how it all came to pass in a revealing transcription of the conversations behind the madness.

Creative Director: [angry, worried] It's easy, goddamnit. Self-esteem and beef. Just put them together. We have all night to finish. I'm getting coffee. [storms out]

Designer: Grab me some mad-cow disease while you're out! [holds up her hands, moves them up and down] Job, soul. Job, soul. Job. So I guess it's pinks and blues with lots of daisies.



Job, soul. Job, soul. Job…there’s a cycle I’m familiar with…

Beerzie Boy | Feb. 24, 2003 — 11 AM

This is why I work for higher education.

Of course, sometimes the bad taste of university employees robs me of my soul, but that’s about the worst of it.

Luke | Feb. 24, 2003 — 1 PM

Previously: Shift Into Reverse

Subsequently: What Is Your Favourite Colour?

February 2003
the Archives