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September 13, 2002 — 9 AM

La belle province selon Wells

Few good things come out of the National Post these days. The newspaper was once irreverent, with unusual news coverage and an editorial stance leaning so far right it nearly fell over. But since Canadian media sloth Global CanWest took over, the paper has become lazy and dull. All wire stories and briefs, no in-depth investigative reporting, yawn-inducing opinions.

There are exceptions, however, and one of the few good columnists who has survived the layoff era at the Post is Paul Wells.

Wells covers national and Quebec politics with an eye for the absurd and an ear for the inane. Of course it’s not difficult to fire shots at the sitting ducks that are ruling parties, but Wells has a special talent for exploiting the folly and irrationality of politics. Recently he took the opportunity to help dig the grave of Quebec’s ruling, separatist Parti Québécois. Lately the PQ, once the cause célèbre of the province’s cultural and political elite, can only manage to separate themselves from reason and sound judgment. So one wonders if they really need another pair of hands on the shovel.


Previously: Fly Me to the Moon

Subsequently: New Packaging, Same Great Taste!

September 2002
the Archives