February 17, 2006 at 7 PM
Gold Medal Fashion
So who’s been watching the Olympics?
Is it possible that figure skating fashion has somehow reached a new low? I didn’t really consider it possible that the outfits could get worse — they’ve always been atrocious. But really. What can you say to this? Or this? And what’s with the animal theme? It’s not even just the figure skaters.
Meanwhile, the only explanation I can come up with for the Russian speed skating team is that they thought their uniforms would actually blind their opponents and ensure the Russians victory. I’m impressed when anyone can design something that actually hurts to look at.
Even snowboarding — the pinnacle of sports fashion trend-setting — was a disappointment as the Americans opted for the kitchen garbage bag look. Okay, they were pinstriped kitchen garbage bags, but still.
Look! It’s a blueberry-banana split!
Who would have bet that the most stylish athletes in the Winter Olympics would be the curlers?
Update: I really should have waited for the ice dancers to compete before I wrote about this.
Previously: Things That Come Out of your Foot
Subsequently: Olympic Glory
I agree — they’re largely horrid. Don’t forget the Canadian speedskating costume, whose hood goes for the flayed look. Will beg to differ on the US snowboarding outfits, though: I liked those. Kind of like a relaxed Yankees uniform (an oxymoron, I know)
— Holger | Feb. 19, 2006 — 10 PM
Yeah, the Canuck speedskaters have strange unis. What’s with the sweat patch on the breast, and the claw marks… it looks like they were mauled by some grizzly bears and just got away.
— Luke | Feb. 20, 2006 — 6 PM
Those Men’s double luge unis - think Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers!!
— Shelley | Feb. 21, 2006 — 12 AM
nice summary of indeed atrocious outfits this winter. I agree with Holger for the snowboarding: that has a fashion on it’s own, it’s always been baggy, and should be. Can you imagine a tight suit going down the halfpipe and then making the *hang-loose*-rapper-like sign afterwards?
— Marije | Feb. 22, 2006 — 6 PM