Over There (in the UK)

April 19, 2005 at 3 PM

A Design Blog?

My previous post about a bug in Safari reminds me that I’ve been thinking for some time about setting up a second blog to record thoughts and links that are more technically related to web design (or even just design in general). I tend to think of Attaboy as a playpen for my musings on, you know, life, the universe and everything, and therefore I usually try to avoid mundane HTML, CSS and ObscureTechnicalScript details.

Should I keep it that way? I’d like to know what my audience thinks. Would the more design-keen of you read a second blog? Or would you not bother?

Would the less interested among you be put off by technical ramblings and general design geekery? (I promise at least to keep a sense of humour about it.) Or would you still come to Attaboy for your daily/weekly/whenever dose of Luke?



I’d just skip all the boring bits.

— Emma | Apr. 19, 2005 — 4 PM

I’ll read regardless- I tend to skim through that stuff already. The only change I’d like to see is more entries!! ;)

— Adrienne | Apr. 29, 2005 — 12 PM

Previously: Bugs in Safari 1.3

Subsequently: Clearly Lucida

April 2005
the Archives

In Earshot

In Frame