Your Canadian Political Update
Warning: Canadian political discussion ahead. Non-Canadians may wish to temporarily minimize the window to prevent onset of clinical tedium.
Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m only writing about this because it presents a pun so horrid and obvious I cannot resist.
Stockwell is officially yester-Day.
Canadian Alliance Party members have, on the first ballot, turfed their beloved Stock in favour of Stephen Harper, who seems like a perfect candidate, at least by the fact that his firstname isn’t Stockwell and his last name isn’t...well.
It all seems rational of course, given Mr. Day’s ignominious and well-documented record, but then logic and sense are not what we’ve come to expect (or, if we are a sharp-tongued political columnist, pray for) from the convulsing corpse that is the Canadian Alliance Party.
My democratic conscience says that it’s about time the governing autocrats had a serious opposition, no matter what political stripe. But we will still miss Stock.
Previously: The Robber Barons Shall Strike Again
Subsequently: Messenger Update