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August 4, 2001 — 12 AM

Funny, I Don’t Feel Wiser

Just got back from the Gulf Islands, the collection of little, green and wet places between Vancouver and Vancouver Island. I ended up spending my birthday (hence quietly) on North Pender, an island home to, as Brett puts it, the newly-wed and the newly-dead. Yawn. Then I spent a couple days on Galiano Island with Brett in his lovely parents’ house. It rained. Lots. And I got drenched. But on the plus side, I’ve nearly finished Infinite Jest, which my family here took to calling Infinite Book. To be sure it is a lengthy tome, and I am pleased to be at the end (gasp), but I’d highly recommend it to anyone who has a few months to spare. At turns satirical, witty, poignant, philosophical and generally full of intelligence, it is an impressive work.

Back to Montreal tomorrow, whereupon we shall return to our regularly scheduled programming.


Previously: 5.8 Billion People Can Be Wrong

Subsequently: The Republican Tangent

August 2001
the Archives