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January 6, 2001 — 1 AM

Ever had a hankering for

Ever had a hankering for Monet? Munch? Matisse or Magritte? Michelangelo? Or maybe someone of a lesser letter of the alphabet? The Artchive is an impressive collection of high-resolution scans of, you guessed it, art (that's pronounced "aht", by the way) from hundreds of artists.

Besides making pretty good desktop backgrounds, the collection is basically a what's what collection more vast in scope than any museum. You can't quite smell the paint, but this is the sort of thing that makes the Internet actually useful, as opposed to just a superfluous tool to contain the random babblings of various folks.

It also highlights how design need not play a big role if the content is good enough. Actually, Artchive is classic 1996 Web design: black text set in Times New Roman, blue links, white background and ugly frame-borders. It's less a museum than a storage vault. But chances are, you'll still find what you need. And really, isn't that what counts?


Previously: So it only took me

Subsequently: What year is it again?

January 2001
the Archives