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January 10, 2001 — 10 PM

It’s been a few days.

It's been a few days. With Old Man Winter staring down on Montreal like Mom when you forgot to the dishes, you'd think I'd have nothing better to do than surf. And yet. Like seemingly everyone I know, I've earned my very own cold/flu/general sense of ickiness, and I'm not hugging it and loving it and calling it George. Cough cough, hack hack, and I've started to experience that sensation of heightened awareness one sometimes gets. Whites are too bright, noise is too noisy, and in the general drift of half-sleep that one gets into, voices fade in and out of each other blending into a long seamless monologue.


Apple's done it again. Mmm...titanium. For you Macheads out there, Apple dumped lots of other goodies on the world yesterday. OS 9.1 has been released. Just installed it here, and so far, so good. It doesn't really look different, but it is definitely zippier, and reports from all over the net say it is more stable. Also new on the block is iTunes, Apple's new MP3 player/encoder. Try if if you must, but I'm sticking with Audion 2, one of the newer and better Mac apps around.


Previously: More on the monolith, this

Subsequently: A successful workers’ enterprise comes

January 2001
the Archives