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May 10, 2000 — 9 AM

Sometimes we need voices of

Sometimes we need voices of authority to tell us exactly what we already know.

"Serene and thoughtful," says the emode color test, "BLUE is the color of your personality."

Taking these sort of tests is a lot like being in a bad relationship: they make you feel totally worthless and frustrated half the time (you do always answer honestly, don't you?), and the other half of the time they offer only the most meagre words of encouragement. Yet, somehow, we can't resist that smile, that little divet on her lips. No sir, we never get enough. This test, for example, promised to dupe and stupefy even the most intelligent folk. So did I heed its warning and just not bother? Of course not--it made me want to take it all so much more, just to prove them (whoever they are) wrong.

In some ways, the popularity of tests that measure your brain or your heart seems a little misplaced. After all, we seem to live in a society that values surface above all else. To quote Mark Kingwell, we are "slaves to smoothness." Perhaps this pop-mart psychology plays the role of assuring us that, despite our lack of fame and fortune, we are still Good Kind Real People. Or maybe the stunning lack of religion which permeates North American life has given us cause to find a new source of guidance. Yes, give us this day our IQ ration, and throw in a horoscope and copy of The Rules, while your at it, Oh Almighty Test Giver.

Finally, if you got this far in my rant, then you should have no problems whatsoever with this test.


Previously: Graduating soon. Erk.Help!

Subsequently: I remember stumbling across Google

May 2000
the Archives