Over There (in the UK)

July 10, 2006 at 11 PM


I was cheering for France — I really was — until the head butt heard round the world left me speechless. I was still in shock from the sheer lunacy of the thing when the match went into the shoot-out and that was hardly a comfort. A shoot-out, friends, is no way to end il campionato del mondo. Congratulations to the Italian side for their penalty kick perfection nonetheless.

On the plus side, I’m enjoying the Zizou moment more as it quickly passes from being a mere moment in time to being a bonafide historical “Where-were-you-when?” event, complete with its very own video game simulation, Lego set and, er, well, other video game simulation. (That last one is actually pretty fun.)



Adding to that some Italian-English babelfish fun (translating the text below that”other video game simulation”):
Someone has this night not celebrated, or it has made it way its: an Italian programmatore has realized a small game (without score) in order to make to amuse the Italians: with a solo clic the mouse it can be taken to the control of number 10 of France and debit of the heads to the Italian defender: there is only an inconvenient small, after a sure number of blows the Argentine arbitrator Horacio Elizondo expels Zidane that is forced to abandon the field and to let to the shoulders the possibility to raise the Goblet of the World. But he can always gain the football of gold Fifa….

Marije | Jul. 17, 2006 — 7 PM

It truly was an EPIC headbutt… the game pretty fun too!

Francis | Jul. 18, 2006 — 3 AM

Previously: Dabble DB

Subsequently: The Wal-Mart Age

July 2006
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