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July 31, 2003 — 4 PM

On This Day

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Birthday to my dad, to my friend Meredith, and to…me!

The 31st of July may be an unusually important day in my life, but it seems to have been a slow one for the history books.


A very HB2U, dearest Luke, and I even get to see you tonight to tell you this in person. Too bad you weren’t born on a more auspicious day. (Now on my birthday, Charlotte Brontë turned down an offer of marriage!)

Sue | Aug. 3, 2003 — 4 PM

hellooo? it’s the 10th of august now, where’s a fresh posting?

this is zhqt it looks like if i touch type on this silly french keyboqrd: i knoz; itùs not thqt differentm like you cqn still pretty ,uch tell zhqt iù, trying to sqy:

qlso; i think thqt bqgels qre hotter becquse they contqin ,ore ,oisture:

eric | Aug. 10, 2003 — 2 PM

Previously: Summer Quandary

Subsequently: Salt and Sun

July 2003
the Archives