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July 24, 2003 — 10 AM

52% Formal, 69% Informal, 35% Weird

Back in the day, some clever chaps conceived of a format for digital type called Multiple Master (MM), which allowed a single font — say the ubiquitous Myriad — to have endless variations upon predefined axes. From extra condensed to extra extended, from ultra thin to ultra black, in infinite gradations. Perfect for font sluts and typographers alike.

Unfortunately, the general niftiness and utility of MM fonts was not enough to prevent their demise as a viable format for type. MM fonts are infamous in the publishing industry for being difficult and troublesome at the print shop. Oh well.

Attaboy, set in Twin Despite that, we can thank the inspiration of multiple masters for an equally clever type creation from the University of Minnesota Design Institute. “Twin” is a font which varies not by the width of its letters or strokes, but by the esoteric qualities of formality (how “seriffy” it is), informality (how round) and weirdness (how, er, “alternate”).

Better yet, you can adjust each parameter separately, and on the fly in their online demo. Neat!


Previously: Well Read

Subsequently: Summer Quandary

July 2003
the Archives