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December 17, 2002 — 2 PM

Three Pounds of Joy

I must admit, although I'm a Mac user and couldn't tolerate switching to Windows, this little number has a pretty high drool factor.


Have you ever bitten into something that looks delicious on the outside, but the moment your tastebuds come into contact with the filling, your eyes widen, and your gag reflex activates? I imagine getting one of these would be a similar experience.

Patrick | Dec. 17, 2002 — 5 PM

Spoken like a true Mac Addict. :)

Still, I can only hope that handwriting recognition in Jaguar gets put to good use in a new product from Apple sometime soon.

Luke | Dec. 18, 2002 — 5 PM

Previously: The Piracy Myth

Subsequently: Ho Ho Ho

December 2002
the Archives